Today was a good day - I finished cleaning out my apartment in Nanaimo, cleaned out the already composting veggies from the fridge, and only briefly thought of stopping by work as I headed north to Deep Bay. After a brief stop at Walmart - developed a roll of film I found while packing, it turned out to be from the family trip to Cape Scott Aug. 07 - and a trip to the bank to deposit my Eco-dividend cheque (3/4 of a tank of gas), I was back on the road and heading towards the start of the road trip.
Since the food in my place had long since moved to the "science experiment" stage and I skipped my morning stop at Tim Horton's...I arrived at the folks place and informed dad that I was going to let him buy me lunch. The lure of fish and chips was enough to get dad to open his wallet...even better mom was at work so there was no "voice of reason"! Lunch at Ship & Shore was amazing as always but no matter how long we lingered I could not put off the inevitable...I had to pack the truck at some point!
We began the process around noon and while declaring the job done around 6:00 was a bit premature, the important part is that we (dad & I) are still talking to each other and smiling! Of course one would think we were heading out for a year not a month! We also have enough food to ward off starvation if food shipments to the north suddenly stop!
Tomorrow we head to Port Hardy - about a 4 1/2 hour trip (I think). I'll be meeting with a couple of students who are working on their Co-ops up there and then we'll be visiting Betty & Terry (dad's cousins). It will most likely be an early night as we have to be in the ferry line up by 5:30...for a 7:30 sailing!?!
The ferry from Port Hardy to Prince Rupert will take 15 hours...I thought the 2 hour run from Duke Point to Tsawwassen was bad! Hopefully they will have some good video games. Of course I could use the time to work on my dissertation!! More likely...we'll watch the past season of Bones that I have on my computer!
Well that's it for now - I'm off to bed so that I'm a cheerful person on our departure tomorrow! Actually, my laundry is finally done so I can finish packing! Look for an up-date from Prince Rupert in a couple of days.

Corona, Stoners, & Stag Chili...what more does one need?
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